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Sunday, February 16, 2014

A poem


Saturday, February 15, 2014

The jackolopes, chapter 5, the burial

Dew was buried under a willow, under the nearest stretch of paurie grass they could find. The star, however, was not buried with her. It was given to Beetle, who had been developing a (love) affair with Dew. The sunset fell onto Dews broken body. She was special. Unlike most Jackolopes, she had not been a solid color. Instead of the festive reds, pinks, oranges, or yellows; the calming, greens, blues, and whites; the dark blacks, greys, and browns; and all the colors in between, Dew had been a calming aqua, with white paws and small bursts of yellow all over her body. And no one, NO ONE, could match her soothing voice, and skill at cooking. After the funeral, when the jackolopes found shelter for the night in a dark, damp, cave, Beetle swore never to use the star. It was a promise he would soon break.

Monday, February 10, 2014


A hole gaped in the frozen earth.The girl gasped weakly. Her hands failed around, grasping for a hold. Frost covered her features, once pretty, now ugly and marred. "You wouldn't dare." She gasped, reaching up to grasp solid earth. It crumbled when she touched it, falling into the bottomless pit. " Oh, yes I will." A voice responded. A man  peered over the side of the pit, grinning evilly. He reached downward, touching her hand, but doing nothing but slipping off a bracelet, with beads of sapphire and crystal, that she wore.  " I know what you really are." He said, peering at the bracelet as he spoke. " A winter spirit. To be precise, a spirit of ice. Ice spirits are deadly, with there freezing winds and blasts, frostbit instant, and the ability to freeze hearts. But I know the ice spirits downfall. They may be friends with fire, lava, and magma spirits, but the heat at the center of the earth will kill them."  The girl seemed to faint; how could he know? but she struggled on grasping for handholds. Ice appeared and spread wherever her fingers touched, but melted away. Heat steamed from the cracks in the walls. The man breathed steam; the heat through the wall increased. The ice seemed to melt. The ice spirit was dying. But then the ice spirit lept forward. She grabbed on to the mans arm and swung upward, kicking him in the face, leaping forward and spinning around. The ice seemed to stop melting; in fact, it seemed to be spreading. The girl kicked the man into the pit. The cold seemed to be thicker there. The man was dying. " You are the good guy, I am the bad one." She jeered. "Who is here to save you?"

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The disappearing post

Is there such thing as online disappearing ink?
Th y   o n          n  .      " O p o      l  e."

Killer Birds

You've heard of killer bees, killer trees, and killer sharks. But what about something new- killer birds? Watch this video to discover the secret killer in the birds.

Enjoyed the video? This is just one of many videos demonstrating the killer inside birds.
Go to Youtube and type in 'birds hunting prey' for more. You never know.

Friday, February 7, 2014

China slideshow

Today, my class presented a China powerpoint slideshow. We had each done China reports on topics; mine was the Chinese leopard. Kates, a classmate of mine, mom took the key info out of our reports and put them into the slideshow and added pictures and music. Today, my class presented the finished work. After that we got.... Chinese fortune cookies! They actually came from Japen. They also taste good.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Jackalopes, Chapter 4, The glass shard and the fall

As the jackalopes made their way down the slope, Dew begin to wonder about the piece of glass Jumpera had slipped into her paw. It had been a bright blue, the color of the ocean. It had been shaped like a star. The curiosity suddenly became to much for Dew to bear. She slipped a paw into her satchel and brought it out. The star glittered in the early morning light, a beautiful shape. It was so beautiful that  Dew, unfortunately, Did not pay attention to her surroundings.

Dew cried out, but there was nothing her party could do to save her. But then, something happened. A badly scratched eagle flew up toward them. As it reached ground, It turned into Dew. Dew might have survieded, but it was to late. She was already dying. "I think it was the star." Dew gasped, pressing the star into Poppy's paw. "No!" Cried Beetle. But it was to late. Dew was dead.