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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

 Apple

Apple! Feeling hungry? You can get a free one with option shift k.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Tlisa of Summer

Small, but not weak or undersized. Golden, shimmering, scales. Warm, light blue eyes. Small claws and curved horns. Light-shooting circle at the end of her tail.
Control over warmth, summer, and light. Can talk to birds. Circle at the end of her tail that shoots rays of light.
Kind, justified, loving, firm, caring, forgiving.

Elkna Of Ice

Rather large. Silver-blue scales. Dark, blue, hypnotizing eyes. Curved horns.
Controlo over Ice, Cold, snow, and Winter. Breathes frost that freezes anything it comes into contact with. Hypnotizing eyes. Persuasive. Flying.
Cold, unfeeling. Firecely hates Summer, warmth, and Tlisa. Persuasive. Smooth, sutible. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Hawaiian Vocabulary

Recentley, the FB Fish, the Hawaiian class, has been exchanging their vocabulary with us. Here are some of the phrases:

  • A'ole Piliki'a ....No problem!  
  • I lå maika'i!  Have a great day!
  • Mana’o  .. Thoughts
I'd love to learn more. Languge is such an intresting topic! I know a little bit of Spanish, I'm learning Hebrew, and would love to learn Arabic. Do you know any languages? Feel free to share any phrases or words you know!
( By the way- this is the prounounceaation, not how it's spelled!)
Low…… No
Po……. Here
Annie….. Me
Iep- a- rone……Pencil
Cha-ha-Cha-Ha……. Okay
Fun fact: Taxi is prounounced the same in 7 languages

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Dancing by Lantern- continued

Realm hesataited. Did he really want to become part of the Dancers Of Seasons? But he had no choice. Reya had already joined, and he had already danced. So in a flat voice, he accepted his fate with a stonic expression and a flat " Yes." " Then let the fun begin!" Laughed a young woman. She pulled Reya and Realm into the circle. They danced like they where meant for it. The frost dissarpered, and green sprouts shot out of the cold ground. They chanted: Frost, fall away. Winter, be gone. Banish cold, welcome warmth. Flower shoots, come. Spring, hello."
A Little Background:
Realm isn't a dancer, and every girl who's joined the season dancers has eventually become cold and unfeeling. Sometimes this happens to the boys. Realm docent want this to happen to him or Reya.

Student Bloggers In Other States

Today, I visited two class blogs- one Iowa, one in Hawaii! It's cool to know that other people- students- are blogging at there. So far only one person has got comments, but the class's are working on it. They are both fifth graders- 5BFish from Hawaii, FeltonsFabolousFive from Iowa. I think it is nice that we get to communicate with other students like us, over great distances, using the internet!